拖了這麼久,終於找到時間幫 LXDE 桌面環境專案寫了首頁:
因為這個專案的使用者並不是只有台灣人,目前網頁和說明都是用英文撰寫 (寫英文文件實在好累 )
目前官方網站已經提供了編譯好給 debian 使用的 deb 套件,全部可以直接下載用 dpkg 安裝,歡迎大家踴躍試玩。
官方首頁上也列出了幾個 FAQ,其中也解釋了為何有這個專案:
Why yet another desktop environment? Aren't there already KDE, GNOME, XFCE, and a lot of well-made DEs? Why reinventing the wheels?
1. Though they are well-made and powerful, they are bloated, and eat up our RAMs.
2. Not everyone on this earth is rich. There must be a nice desktop environment for those who can't afford new fancy hardware, and we have the ability to help them.
3. They are too integrated, and reusing each part of them requires installing lots of dependencies.
4. If Windows 98 and xp work quite well on old machines, why my Linux desktop needs a 1.0 GHz CPU + 1GB RAM? We don't belief building such a usable desktop environment requires that much resource usage, so we try it ourselves.
5. Because reinventing the wheels is cool, and we love it! (Simply the best reason)