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In some operating systems such as UnixWare, Linux and BSD, a virtual console (VC, sometimes virtual terminal, VT) is a conceptual combination of the keyboard and the display for a user interface. The concrete combination is the system console of the computer, where the user can switch between the virtual consoles to access multiple unrelated user interfaces. Usually in Linux, the first six virtual consoles provide a text terminal with a login prompt to a unix shell. The graphical X Window System starts in the seventh virtual console.
stripped from
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_console- 代碼: 選擇全部
4 char TTY devices
0 = /dev/tty0 Current virtual console
1 = /dev/tty1 First virtual console
63 = /dev/tty63 63rd virtual console
64 = /dev/ttyS0 First UART serial port
255 = /dev/ttyS191 192nd UART serial port
UART serial ports refer to 8250/16450/16550 series devices.
Older versions of the Linux kernel used this major
number for BSD PTY devices. As of Linux 2.1.115, this
is no longer supported. Use major numbers 2 and 3.
stripped from linux kernel Documentation devices.txt
為什麼有這麼多的 tty0~tty63 因為 linux kernel 預設就是給這麼多
(注意看上表 minor number 的部份到了 64 以後就給 ttyS0~ttyS191 了)
為什麼有 ttyS0~ttyS3 因為硬體晶片就是支援四個 serial ports
只不過一般的 Linux Distribution 都只開 /dev/tty[1-6] 給我們使用
而 X Window System 通常再多使用一個 /dev/tty7
(可以看 /etc/inittab 這個檔案, 搜尋 tty[1-7] 的字串)
另外 /dev/tty 與 /dev/tty0 這兩個 device node 有其它特別的用途
這樣的回答有意義多了吧~ 有錯歡迎請指正~