Step to enable flash at mozilla-firebird.

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Step to enable flash at mozilla-firebird.

文章Pill » 週六 10月 25, 2003 5:04 pm

May be this is a silly steps. But it works for me.

Testing / Unstable Environment.

su to root first.

// Install free SWF player for flash, and mozilla-firebird browser
apt-get install swf-player mozilla-firebird

// Change to plugins directory
cd /usr/lib/mozilla-firebird/plugins/

// Create backup folder
mkdir ../backup

// Move uncertain plugin ...
mv ./ ../backup

// Link Mozilla plugin to Mozilla-Firebird
ln -s ../../mozilla/plugins/ .

// Done.

Is there any other better method up to now ???
Any idea what the is, except it is a null plugin ???

Have fun.
文章: 20
註冊時間: 週二 8月 26, 2003 2:01 pm

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