yuanfarn 寫:我是用 Debian3.0r0 的 non-US 光碟安裝後再 update 成 testing 的,使用者登入後的 shell 是使用 bash ,可是發現一件事就是登入後似乎不會自動去執行 source .bashrc 這個動作,所以寫在 .bashrc 裡的設定並不會起作用,請問這個問題該怎麼處理呢?謝謝!:)
If I recall correctly, ~/.bashrc is not automatically read when you login. The file should be read is ~/.bash_profile. So add your configurations there, or better, add the following in ~/.bash_profile:
- 代碼: 選擇全部
if [ -f ~/.bashrc]
source ~/.bashrc
so that your ~/.bash_profile can read your ./bashrc file.
I think Debian should already put those lines in your ~/.bash_profile, what you need to do is only uncomment them.
Hope this helps.