how to load the simsun fonts in xmms and rxvt?

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how to load the simsun fonts in xmms and rxvt?

文章yy » 週三 5月 12, 2004 2:07 pm

hi, sorry can not input traditional chinese here,
My question is about loading microsoft ttf font for simplied chinese simsun.ttc, I tryied the way on the website ... Guide.html

just change the font on the website to simsun.ttc
but it turn out that the rxvt and xmms can not load the simsun fonts?

Any one has similar experience to configure ttf fonts for rxvt and xmms?

Thanks a lot!
文章: 2
註冊時間: 週三 5月 12, 2004 2:02 pm

re:how to load the simsun fonts in xmms and rxvt?

文章阿信 » 週三 5月 12, 2004 4:38 pm

I hope this would help...

1:rename simsun.ttc to simsun.ttf
2:install the program:dfontmgr
3:use the dfontmgr to install the simsun.ttf
4:if installed ok, you will get a new fontset desc with xlsfonts of simsun
5:copy the desc to the xmms config
文章: 4756
註冊時間: 週二 9月 03, 2002 11:58 pm
來自: 台灣 - 嘉義

re:how to load the simsun fonts in xmms and rxvt?

文章door » 週三 5月 12, 2004 5:55 pm

hi, sorry can not input traditional chinese here,
I believe moto forums was designed to be utf-8 encoded. It supposed to be no problem with multilingual posts:

* 繁體中文當然沒問題囉!(Or some people prefer 正體中文. I have no comments about it, except I wonder if this implied the other one is 歪體?)
* 改革开放是硬道理!
* にほんごもだいじょうぶ

If what 阿信大總管 suggested doesn't work to you, try It's a place for China linux fans, worth to pay a visit. However I can't believe occassionaly you can find people in linuxsir talked how to get illeagal pirate copies of Linux commercial programs or posted serial numbers without been warned or deleted. :shock:
文章: 8
註冊時間: 週六 5月 08, 2004 5:58 pm

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