好幾天 (>14)沒開 OO.o 了
今天一開, 發現介面字型都攪在一起 (但是文件內容卻不會)
Changing the User Interface Font
In OpenOffice.org you can change the font used for screen display and printing by replacing it with a different font installed on your system. This can be done using the font replacement function. Choose Tools - Options - OpenOffice.org - Font Replacement to access this function.
To change the font of the OpenOffice.org user interface, you have to replace the default font "Andale Sans UI" with another font and mark the "always" setting for this replacement.
Refer to the OpenOffice.org Help for a detailed explanation of the dialog.
Tetralet 寫:在 OpenOffice.org 的 README 裡有提到:
- 代碼: 選擇全部
Changing the User Interface Font
In OpenOffice.org you can change the font used for screen display and printing by replacing it with a different font installed on your system. This can be done using the font replacement function. Choose Tools - Options - OpenOffice.org - Font Replacement to access this function.
To change the font of the OpenOffice.org user interface, you have to replace the default font "Andale Sans UI" with another font and mark the "always" setting for this replacement.
Refer to the OpenOffice.org Help for a detailed explanation of the dialog.
所以請試著修改 OpenOffice.org 的介面字型看看...
阿信 寫:奇怪了,我安裝Debian testing的OpenOffice卻沒有Andale Sans UI 這個字體,反而要替代 Baekmuk Dotun 這個韓文字體才能顯示中文。
我的環境是 zh_TW.UTF-8
正在瀏覽這個版面的使用者:沒有註冊會員 和 1 位訪客