x 當掉出現的錯誤訊息

歡迎提問 debian desktop 相關問題,何謂 desktop ? 舉凡您日常生活會用到的部份,如上網 ( www 、 bbs ..) 、程式設計、繪圖...等等。 通常以 X Window 環境底下問題為主。

x 當掉出現的錯誤訊息

文章oh » 週二 2月 07, 2006 4:39 am

代碼: 選擇全部
ned mimetype/servicetype 'image/vnd.wap.wbmp'
kbuildsycoca: WARNING: '/usr/share/applications/gqview.desktop' specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype 'image/x-xbitmap'
kbuildsycoca: WARNING: '/usr/share/applications/gqview.desktop' specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype 'image/x-xpixmap'
kbuildsycoca: WARNING: '/usr/share/applications/gqview.desktop' specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype 'image/svg'
ICE default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 15760, errno = 32
ICE default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 15579, errno = 32

   *** If unresolved symbols were reported above, they might not
   *** be the reason for the server aborting.

Fatal server error:
Caught signal 11.  Server aborting

Please consult the The X.Org Foundation support
         at http://wiki.X.Org
 for help.
Please also check the log file at "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" for additional information.


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