BUFFALO:/var/www# tar zxvf torrentflux-2.1.tar.gz
BUFFALO:/var/www# mv torrentflux_2.1/html bt
BUFFALO:/var/www# cp -R torrentflux_2.1/TF_BitTornado /usr/local<<<<無法做此步驟
BUFFALO:/var/www# cd bt
BUFFALO:/var/www/bt# mysqladmin create torrentflux -u root -p
Enter password:linkadmin
BUFFALO:/var/www/bt# mysql torrentflux < ../torrentflux_2.1/sql/torrentflux.sql -u root -p
Enter password:
BUFFALO:/var/www/bt# nano config.php
$cfg["db_type"] = "mysql"; // mysql, postgres7 view adodb/drivers/
$cfg["db_host"] = "localhost"; // DB host computer name or IP
$cfg["db_name"] = "torrentflux"; // Name of the Database
$cfg["db_user"] = "root"; // username for your MySQL database
$cfg["db_pass"] = "linkadmin"; // password for database
// Define the PATH where the downloads will go (note that it ends with a / [slash])
// Note this can be anywhere (not where TorrentFlux is installed)
// must be chmod'd to 777 (DO NOT MAKE THIS THE PATH TO YOUR PHP FILES!)
$cfg["path"] = "/share/bt/";
我是想 用2.1比較新的
Database error: Table 'torrentflux.tf_settings' doesn't exist
Always check your database variables in the config.php file.
請教一下 版上的大大是否有什麼方式可以解決