重開機後 nfs share 會失敗
這時手動去下 exportfs -rv
# exportfs -rv
exporting *:/media/music
exportfs: Warning: /media/music does not support NFS export.
exporting *:/home
# exportfs -rv
exporting *:/media/music
exporting *:/home
這算 bug 了吧?
exportfs 內容
# cat /etc/exports
/home *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check)
/media/music *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check)
而且 NEWS.Debian.gz 裡有提到的
* Exports default to "sync", that is, synchronous writes.
This is safer but MUCH SLOWER than the old default of "async".
All exports should be marked as either "sync" or "async" to
avoid a warning from exportfs.
也都加上了 還是會有問題