I tried to build tomcat5 from source with jdk 1.5 on debian sid...I failed...
I get the following error message:
[echo] ----- Java-utils -----
[echo] -- puretls.present = ${puretls.present}
[echo] -- jsse.present = true /usr/share/java/jsse-1.0.3/lib/jsse.jar
[echo] -- commons-logging = true
[echo] -- jmx = true /usr/share/java/mx4j-1.1.1/lib/mx4j-jmx.jar
[echo] -- modeler = true /usr/share/java/commons-modeler-1.1/commons-modeler.jar
[echo] -- JDK14 = true
[javac] Compiling 63 source files to /home/hantsy/tomcat-5-src/jakarta-tomcat-connectors/util/build/classes
[javac] javac: source release 1.4 requires target release 1.4
/home/hantsy/tomcat-5-src/build.xml:50: Following error occured while executing this line
/home/hantsy/tomcat-5-src/jakarta-tomcat-5/build.xml:443: Following error occured while executing this line
/home/hantsy/tomcat-5-src/jakarta-tomcat-5/build.xml:168: Following error occured while executing this line
/home/hantsy/tomcat-5-src/jakarta-tomcat-connectors/util/build.xml:60: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
how can I fix the error???tomcat 5 doesn't support jdk 1.5?I want to use mod-jk2 to connect apache2...
1. I 've installed the official "libapache2-mod-jk2" , but
it didn't support "jni".....
2. I builded mod-jk2 from source successfully , the "jni" did'nt work ,it was refused to connect to the apache2 server(I use debian offical pkg)...
Any body use "jni" connect to apache2 successfully?