由 phantom » 週二 11月 23, 2004 11:13 pm
From sendmailconfig man page:
sendmailconfig is used to simplify the configuration of sendmail(8) for use on Debian systems.
In the simplest case, you may run this program to (re)configure sendmail for your Debian system at any time. It will modify the file /etc/mail/sendmail.mc in order to create a working sendmail configuration which will be written to the file /etc/mail/sendmail.cf.
所以其時您要知道的應該是如何 config sendmail. Once you know how you want to config your sendmail, 用 debian 的 sendmailconfig 應該也沒什麼問題吧?
不好意思, 沒在 Debian 上裝 sendmail 過. 自從轉到 debian 就改用 postfix 啦.
Linux 非萬能, 沒 Linux 萬萬不能.
root = God
apt-get install ultimate-horsepower