請問 debian nis passwd/yppasswd 的問題...

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版主: 阿信

請問 debian nis passwd/yppasswd 的問題...

文章yuchih » 週六 7月 22, 2006 4:56 pm

我 man yppasswd, 有以下的訊息:
In the old days, the standard passwd(1), chfn(1) and chsh(1) tools could not be used under Linux to change the users NIS password, shell and GECOS information. For changing the NIS information, they were replaced by their NIS counterparts, yppasswd, ypchfn and ypchsh.
Today, this versions are deprecated and should not be used any longer.

意思是說現在的版本, 應該用 passwd 來改 nis password 嗎??

我用 passwd 會有以下的訊息:
Changing password for XXXXXX
(current) UNIX password:
passwd:Authentication service cannot retrieve authentication info.
passwd: password unchanged

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