不知道有沒有人在用 ARM's MultiICE 呢??
想問個問題是,MultiICE 是怎麼和 host 端的 debugger (AXD)溝通的呢??
還有,MultiICE 裡頭到底有什麼東西呢???
實在和好奇 ARM 的 ICE soulation 是怎麼做的!!
版主: chester
jesse.sung 寫:小弟以前玩過 4510 + ICE....
那時用的 ICE 和 debugger 是透過 printer port 或是網路連接....
我猜裡面是 ASIC 或簡單的 micro controller, 用來做 debugger<->ICE 和 JTAG 上 protocol 的轉換.... 沒拆過....
手頭上有另一平台的 ICE, 有機會再來拆看看....
During the 1980 s the Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) was formed from over 200 companies to address these issues. They subsequently developed a standard for integrating hardware into standard devices, that could be controlled by software. This was termed Boundary Scan Testing (BST). This was later adopted by the IEEE and defined as the IEEE 1149.1 Standard Test Access Port and Boundary Scan Architecture.
Hakunamatata 寫:ARM processor 有 embedded ICE,所以 Multi-ICE 主要的工作就是擔任debugger 與 embedded ICE 的橋樑。
否則光憑一台 ICE 想 cover ARM processor 不同的 architecture 也太不容易。
正在瀏覽這個版面的使用者:沒有註冊會員 和 1 位訪客