如同 apt-get,wajig 也是 dpkg 的一個前端程式,旨在為參數繁複的 dpkg 提供一個較為簡易的操作方式,諸如安裝、移除、升級、尋找 package 等功能。
wajig 也是使用 /etc/apt/sources.list 設定的路徑取得軟體 package 的資訊。
- 代碼: 選擇全部
wajig [options] [command] [packages|files] ...
Wajig is a command line system manager for Debian GNU/Linux
For a list of common commands try `wajig help'.
For a list of all commands try `wajig commands'.
Basic documentation available with `wajig doc | less'
- 代碼: 選擇全部
#wajig help
Common wajig commands:
update Update the list of downloadable packages
new List packages that became available since last update
newupgrades List packages newly available for upgrading
install Install (or upgrade) one or more packages or .deb files
remove Remove one or more packages (see also purge)
upgrade Upgrade all of the installed packages or just those listed
listfiles List the files that are supplied by the named package
listnames List all known packages or those containing supplied string
whatis For each package named obtain a one line description
whichpkg Find the package that supplies the given command or file
Run `wajig commands' for a complete list of commands and
`wajig doc' for fuller documentation.
- 代碼: 選擇全部
#wajig commands
All wajig commands:
addcdrom Add a CD-ROM to the list of available sources of packages
auto-clean Remove superseded deb files from the download cache
auto-download Do an update followed by a download of all updated pacakges
available List versions of packages available for installation
bug Check reported bugs in package using the Debian Bug Tacker
build Retrieve/unpack sources and build .deb for the named packages
build-depend Retrieve packages required to build listed packages
clean Remove all deb files from the download cache
commands List all the wajig commands and one line descriptions for each
daily-upgrade Perform an update then a dist-upgrade
dependees List of packages which depend on the specified package
describe One line description of packages (-v and -vv for more detail)
describe-new One line description of new packages
detail Provide a detailed description of package (describe -vv)
detail-new Provide a detailed description of new packages (describe -vv)
dist-upgrade Upgrade to new distribution (installed and new rqd packages)
docs Equivalent to help with -verbose=2
download Download package files ready for an install
edit Edit any file that root can edit
edit-sources Edit the sources.list file which locates Debian archives
file-download Download packages listed in file ready for an install
file-install Install packages listed in a file
find-file Search for a file within installed packages
fix-configure Perform dpkg --configure -a (to fix interrupted configure)
fix-install Perform apt-get -f install (to fix broken dependencies)
force Install packages and ignore file overwrites and depends
help Print documentation (detail depends on --verbose)
hold Place listed packages on hold so they are not upgraded
init Initialise or reset the wajig archive files
install Install (or upgrade) one or more packages or .deb files
installr Install package and associated recommened packages
installrs Install package and recommened and suggested packages
installs Install package and associated suggested packages
integrity Check the integrity of installed packages (through checksums)
last-update Identify when an update was last performed
list List the status and description of installed packages
list-all List a one line description of every known package
list-alts List the objects that can have alternatives configured
list-cache List the contents of the download cache
list-commands List all the wajig commands and one line descriptions for each
list-daemons List the daemons that wajig can start/stop/restart
list-files List the files that are supplied by the named package
list-installed List packages (with optional argument substring) installed
list-names List all known packages or those containing supplied string
move Move packages in the download cache to a local Debian mirror
new List packages that became available since last update
new-upgrades List packages newly available for upgrading
orphans List libraries not required by any installed package
policy From preferences file show priorities and policy
purge Remove one or more packages and configuration files
recommended Install package and associated recommened packages
reconfigure Reconfigure the named installed packages
reinstall Reinstall each of the named packages
reload Reload daemon configs, e.g., gdm, apache (see list-daemons)
remove Remove one or more packages (see also purge)
remove-orphans Remove orphaned libraries (not required by installed packages)
repackage Generate a .deb file for an installed package
reset Initialise or reset the wajig archive files
restart Stop then start a daemon, e.g., gdm, apache (see list-daemons)
rpm2deb Convert a RedHat .rpm file to a Debian .deb file
rpminstall Install a RedHat .rpm package
rpmtodeb Convert a RedHat .rpm file to a Debian .deb file
search Search for packages containing listed words
show Provide a detailed description of package [same as detail]
source Retrieve and unpack sources for the named packages
start Start a daemon, e.g., gdm, apache (see list-daemons)
status Show the version and available version of packages
status-match Show the version and available version of matching packages
status-search Show the version and available version of matching packages
stop Stop a daemon, e.g., gdm, apache (see list-daemons)
suggested Install package and associated suggested packages
toupgrade List packages with newer versions available for upgrading
update Update the list of downloadable packages
update-alts Update default alternative for things like x-window-manager
upgrade Upgrade all of the installed packages or just those listed
whatis A synonym for describe
whichpkg Find the package that supplies the given command or file
Command line options:
-h|--help Print usage message.
-q|--quiet Do system commands everything quietly.
-t|--teaching Trace the sequence of commands performed.
-v|--verbose=n Increase (or set) the level of verbosity (to n).
Run `wajig doc' for fuller documentation.
- 更新軟體資料庫
- 代碼: 選擇全部
wajig update
- 安裝軟體
- 代碼: 選擇全部
wajig install package_name
例:wajig install mozilla
- 移除軟體
- 代碼: 選擇全部
wajig remove package_name
例:wajig remove rxvt-ml xcin
- 升級已安裝的套件
- 代碼: 選擇全部
wajig upgrade
- 整個系統升級
- 代碼: 選擇全部
wajig dist-upgrade
- 尋找套件:以 keyword 為關鍵字尋找 package
- 代碼: 選擇全部
wajig search keyword
例:wajig search rxvt
- 尋找套件:尋找提供某指令或檔案的 package
- 代碼: 選擇全部
wajig whichpkg command/file_name
例:wajig whichpkg qt-config
- 列出 package 的詳細訊息
- 代碼: 選擇全部
wajig detail package_name
例:wajig detail gimp