DWN 2003 #18 中文版

DWN 翻譯小組請進

DWN 2003 #18 中文版

文章Darth Mike » 週一 5月 05, 2003 9:17 am

<page title="Debian Weekly News #18 -- May 6th, 2003">

# FLOSS from Thomas Bliesener <nospam@melix.com.mx>

<p>歡迎閲讀今年的第十七期 DWN,每週 Debian 社群快訊。隨著完成昨年的 <a
href="http://floss1.infonomics.nl">FLOSS</a> 調查,史丹福大學推出了 <a
href="http://www.stanford.edu/group/floss-us/">FLOSS-US</a> 。Bruce Perens <a
提及</a>他希望看到基於 Debian 的努力 ﹝如 Knoppix,
Trusted Debian, Libranet 等﹞可以和 Debian 有更緊密合作 。</p>

<p><strong>【支援 DDTP 的 APT 的實驗】</strong>
DDTP 隊伍及 Debian-BR 計劃<a
公佈</a>了第一個<a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce-0210/msg00004.html">\
支援</a>翻譯套件描述的 APT 公開發行。初期的版本是以 CVS 版本的 APT 作實驗的。完整的源碼和補包可在<a href="http://people.debian.org/~otavio/sid/apt/">這裡</a>取得。</p>

<p><strong>【自動融合配置檔案】</strong> Jarno Elonen <a
href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-0304/msg02066.html">發表</a>了在 <code>dpkg</code> 上<a href="http://elonen.iki.fi/code/dpkg-merge/">支援</a>融合配置檔案的實驗。當已安裝的配置檔案與套件上的不同, <code>dpkg</code> 會提供一個融合選擇。這會起幫助當更新配置檔案和提供多些選擇。</p>

<p><strong>【不再支援 i386?】</strong> Nathanael Nerode 在<a
href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-0304/msg02112.html">調查</a>關於 i386 的問題及發現其他發行套件對維持 C++ 套件的程序兼容性後,認為 Debian 需要使用 GCC 提供的 i486 版本 atomicity.h 。Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker <a
href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-0304/msg02134.html">寫</a>了一個小<a href="http://ilmari.org/sslcmp">腳本</a>比較在 P-III 可動裝置上 i386 及 i486 版本的 OpenSSL 的運作速度。</p>

<p><strong>【Debian 套件標籤】</strong> Enrico Zini <a
href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-0304/msg02167.html">發佈</a>了與 Erich Schubert 合作創造的 Debian 套件標籤。這些標籤﹝或稱關鍵字或分類﹞可以從網上<a
href="http://debian.vitavonni.de/packagebrowser/">修改</a>。這些標籤可以視為 Debian 系統的套件歷史上的進化。這是 Enrico 發出的<a

<p><strong>【支援建議安裝(suggests)和推薦安裝(recommends)的 apt-get?】</strong>\
Alexander Wirt <a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-0304/msg02222.html">宣告\
發佈</a>了一個基於 <code>apt-get</code> 的<a
href="http://www.formorer.de/code/aag/aag">新界面</a>,從而使得安裝某個 package 所建議\
安裝和(或)推薦安裝的全部 package 成爲可能。Graham Williams <a
href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-0304/msg02234.html">指出</a> <a

href="http://packages.debian.org/wajig">wajig</a> 也具備同樣的功能。Rene Engelhard <a
href="http://packages.debian.org/aptitude">aptitude</a> 可以在互動界面做到這一點,並且\

<p><strong>【採訪 Debian-Lex 】</strong> 一份澳洲報章 The Age 出版了與 <a href="http://people.debian.org/~terminus/debian-lex/">debian-lex</a> 發起人 Jeremy Malcolm 的<a
href="http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/05/02/1051382077620.html">訪問</a>。此計劃除了本身的開發人員外,也包括了三位合資格律師,令這計劃的開發混合了專業法律與資訊科技。 Malcolm 亦提及令許多私營的法律專用軟體套件共同運作的問題。</p>

<p><strong>【增進 Debian 的可靠度】</strong> Re'mi Perrot <a
href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-project-0305/msg00005.html">起始了</a> 一項關於增進 Debian 可靠度的討論。

# From: Matt Black <matt@mattblack.cjb.net>

<p><strong>【供發展者借用的 HP i2000 】</strong> James Troup <a
了一份感謝聲明 - 由於 <a href="http://www.hp.com/">Hewlett-Packard</a> 的持續支持,
用來編譯 Debian ia64 套件的主機 (caballero.debian.org) 最近已升級為 <a
href="http://www.hp.com/products1/servers/rackoptimized/rx2600/">rx2600</a> 了。
因此,原先作為編譯的 <a href="http://www.hp.com/techservers/products/workstations/i2000/summary.html">\
i2000</a> 主機將移作它用。這台主機將出借給發展 Debian安裝程式、開發工具組(gcc, binutils, glibc), 核心或其它有意義工作的發展者。

# From: Bartosz Zapalowski <bartek@klepisko.eu.org>

<p><strong>【新的波蘭文翻譯成果】</strong> Bartosz Fenski <a href="http://7thguard.net/news.php?id=2990">宣佈了</a> (只有波蘭文版)一個稱為<a href="http://debian.linux.org.pl/"> Debian 波蘭文文件計畫</a> (Polish
Debian Documentation Project, PDDP)的新翻譯成果。雖然在 PDDP 裡面還沒有 Debian 的開發者,但是這點即將改變。這個社群的主要目標是將 Debian 的文件翻譯成波蘭文,並且協助翻譯 DWN。目前,他們正在翻譯<a
href="$(HOME)/doc/user-manuals#quick-reference"> Debian Reference</a>。</p>

# From: Frank Lichtenheld <frank@lichtenheld.de>

<p><strong>【關於自由軟體中 Credits 的爭論】</strong> 由 Hans Reiser
發起,(並經由 DWN 的<a href="$(HOME)/News/weekly/2003/16/">報導</a>)在
debian-devel 引起<a
的話題轉移到 Newforge 上了。事件的起因是 Debian 開發人員把 ReiserFS 工具中\
一些包含 sponsorship credits 的輸出拿掉了。之後,Hans Reiser 發表了一篇<a
他的立場,以及為什麼他認為自由軟體中的 credits 應得到更好的保障,且授權證\

<p><strong>【Bruxelles 軟體專利會議】</strong> Jama Poulsen <a
href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-events-eu-0305/msg00000.html">\提及</a>五月七日及八日在 Bruxelles 舉行的跨學科<a

<p><strong>Debian Subversion Server.</strong> Wichert Akkerman <a
introduced</a> the Debian subversion server on <a
href="http://svn.debian.org/">svn.debian.org</a>. Commit access is maintained
through <a href="https://alioth.debian.org/">Alioth</a>. If you want to
maintain a subversion repository please register a project for it on Alioth.
Once the project has been approved please submit a support request asking for
a repository to be created. Adding someone to the Alioth project will
automatically give him write access to the repository as well.</p>

# From: Jonathan Oxer <jon@ivt.com.au>

<p><strong>Debian Miniconf3 announced.</strong> The Debian Miniconf run in
conjunction with <a href="http://lca2004.linux.org.au/">Linux Conference
Australia</a> (LCA) is becoming quite a tradition, and with the schedule for
LCA2004 now being finalised Jonathan Oxer <a
that <a href="http://www.debconf.org/miniconf3/">Debian Miniconf3</a> will
take place on January 10th and 11th, 2004 in Adelaide, Australia. He also
asked for anyone interested in presenting at the Miniconf to submit a <a
href="http://www.debconf.org/miniconf3/cfp/">proposal</a> for a talk.</p>

<p><strong>【供開發人員申請的 Sun Ultra 30】</strong> Nathan Norman <a
如果 Debian 計畫有需要的話,他很樂意捐出他現在用的桌上型電腦 Sun Ultra 30。\
Martin Michlmayr <a
有美國的朋友打算利用這台電腦,將 debian-installer 移植到 sparc 平台上的話,\
Debian 可以代為支付郵寄的費用。不過, Ben Collins 已經<a

<p><strong>Debian at Conferences in Italy and Austria.</strong> The Debian project
<a href="$(HOME)/News/2003/20030505">announced</a> that it has been invited to
participate in two conferences that are taking place during the next couple of
days. At the <a href="$(HOME)/events/2003/0509-webbit">Webb.it</a> in Padova,
Italy, Debian will be present with a booth and several developers will help
visitors install Free Software. At the <a
href="$(HOME)/events/2003/0509-ifit">IFIT</a> in Innsbruck, Austria, the
project will be present with a booth and several talks.</p>

<p><strong>【安全更新】</strong>如果您安裝了任何下列 package,請務必更新您的系統。</p>

<li><a href="$(HOME)/security/2003/dsa-295">pptpd</a> --
Remote root exploit.
<li><a href="$(HOME)/security/2003/dsa-296">kdebase</a> --
Arbitrary command execution.
<li><a href="$(HOME)/security/2003/dsa-297">Snort</a> --
Remote root exploits.
<li><a href="$(HOME)/security/2003/dsa-298">EPIC4</a> --
DoS and arbitrary code execution.
<li><a href="$(HOME)/security/2003/dsa-299">leksbot</a> --
Improper setuid-root execution.
<li><a href="$(HOME)/security/2003/dsa-300">Balsa</a> --
Buffer overflow.

<p><strong>【新的或值得注意的 package】</strong>下列 package 最近被新加入到 Debian unstable

<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/games/agistudio.html">agistudio</a>
-- IDE for creating early Sierra style AGI games.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/admin/apt-listbugs.html">apt-listbugs</a>
-- Lists critical bugs before each apt installation.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/admin/atop.html">atop</a>
-- Monitor for system resources and process activity.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/gnome/battfink.html">battfink</a>
-- GNOME Power Management Configuration.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/utils/cstream.html">cstream</a>
-- General-purpose stream-handling tool similar to dd.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/admin/dirvish.html">dirvish</a>
-- Filesystem based backup system using rsync.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/graphics/epstool.html">epstool</a>
-- Edit preview images and fix bounding boxes in EPS files.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/utils/fcitx.html">fcitx</a>
-- Free Chinese Input Toy for X (XIM).
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/gnome/foomatic-gui.html">foomatic-gui</a>
-- GNOME interface for configuring the Foomatic printer filter system.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/math/gap-core.html">gap-core</a>
-- GAP computer algebra system, core components.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/hamradio/gpredict.html">gpredict</a>
-- Satellite tracking program for GNOME.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/sound/gtkpod.html">gtkpod</a>
-- Software using GTK2 for managing songs and playlists on an Apple iPod.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/net/icukrell.html">icukrell</a>
-- GKrellm plugin which shows the status of GnomeICU.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/utils/imhangul.html">imhangul</a>
-- Hangul (Korean) input module for GTK+.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/admin/jailer.html">jailer</a>
-- Build and maintain chrooted environments.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/games/nagi.html">nagi</a>
-- Game interpreter for Sierra Online (tm) AGI games.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/web/netrik.html">netrik</a>
-- Text mode WWW browser with vi like keybindings.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/games/ptkei.html">ptkei</a>
-- Python TK Empire Interface.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/net/putty.html">putty</a>
-- Telnet/SSH client for X.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/kde/slicker.html">slicker</a>
-- Alternative for the KDE Kicker.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/utils/slptool.html">slptool</a>
-- SLP command line tool.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/misc/tagcoll.html">tagcoll</a>
-- Commandline tool to perform operations on tagged collections.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/web/vlogger.html">vlogger</a>
-- Virtual web logfile rotater/parser.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/web/webhttrack.html">webhttrack</a>
-- Copy websites to your computer, httrack with a Web GUI.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/x11/wmcliphist.html">wmcliphist</a>
-- Dockapp which provides a history for X11 selections.

<p><strong>【被遺棄的 package】</strong> 本週有九個 package 遭到遺棄,需要新的維護者。\
非常感謝先前的維護者對自由軟體社群的貢獻。目前共有 193 個被遺棄的 package,請參見<a
href="$(HOME)/devel/wnpp/"> WNPP 網頁</a>中的完整列表。如果您有意接下其中一個 package,\
請在 bug 報告中加以説明,並把報告主題改為 ITA:。</p>

<li> <a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/net/arpd.html">arpd</a>
-- User-space ARP daemon.
(<a href="http://bugs.debian.org/191870">Bug#191870</a>)</li>
<li> <a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/admin/ide-smart.html">ide-smart</a>
-- S.M.A.R.T. status checking tool for IDE hard disks.
(<a href="http://bugs.debian.org/191686">Bug#191686</a>)</li>

<p><strong>【想繼續讀到 DWN 嗎?】</strong>請幫助我們製作這份新聞郵件。已經有好幾位朋友提供了新\
聞稿,但我們仍然欠缺準備新聞稿的自願者。請見 <a href="$(HOME)/News/weekly/contributing">\
contributing 網頁</a>瞭解如何幫助我們。我們的信箱 <a href="mailto:dwn@debian.org">\
dwn@debian.org</a> 期待著您的來信!</p>


最後由 Darth Mike 於 週四 5月 08, 2003 10:03 am 編輯,總共編輯了 4 次。
Darth Mike
文章: 84
註冊時間: 週五 11月 29, 2002 9:05 pm
來自: 香港

文章Darth Mike » 週一 5月 05, 2003 9:18 am


#include <joey.style>

<page title="Debian Weekly News #18 -- May 6th, 2003">

# FLOSS from Thomas Bliesener <nospam@melix.com.mx>

<p>Welcome to this year's 18th issue of DWN, the weekly newsletter for the
Debian community. As a completion of the <a
href="http://floss1.infonomics.nl">FLOSS</a> survey last year the University
of Stanford is carrying out <a
href="http://www.stanford.edu/group/floss-us/">FLOSS-US</a>. Bruce Perens <a
mentioned</a> that he would like to see Debian-based efforts (such as Knoppix,
Trusted Debian, Libranet and others) work more closely with Debian.</p>

<p><strong>Experimental APT with DDTP Support.</strong> The DDTP team and the
Debian-BR project <a
announced</a> the first public release of APT with <a
support</a> for translated package descriptions. This initial experimental
release was based upon the CVS version of APT. Complete source and patches
are also <a href="http://people.debian.org/~otavio/sid/apt/">available</a>.</p>

<p><strong>Automatic Merging of Configuration Files.</strong> Jarno Elonen <a
experimental <a href="http://elonen.iki.fi/code/dpkg-merge/">support</a> for
merging configuration files in <code>dpkg</code>. When the installed
configuration file differs from the file in the package <code>dpkg</code> will
offer a merge option. This should help when the configuration file is
upgraded and offers more options.</p>

<p><strong>Dropping Support for i386?</strong> Nathanael Nerode <a
the i386 problem and discovered that to maintain binary compatibility with C++
packages from other distributions, Debian needs to use the i486 version of
atomicity.h supplied by GCC. Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker <a
href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-0304/msg02134.html">wrote</a> a
small <a href="http://ilmari.org/sslcmp">script</a> that compares the
speed of OpenSSL code for i386 versus i486 on a P-III Mobile.</p>

<p><strong>Debian Package Tags.</strong> Enrico Zini <a
Debian Package Tags which were created in cooperation with Erich Schubert.
The tags (also known as keywords or categories) can be <a
href="http://debian.vitavonni.de/packagebrowser/">edited</a> online. Tags can
be thought as the evolution of the package sections historically used in
Debian systems. Enrico sent in an <a
href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-0304/msg02272.html">update</a> as

<p><strong>Apt-get with Support for Suggests and Recommends?</strong>
Alexander Wirt <a
href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-0304/msg02222.html">announced</a> a
<a href="http://www.formorer.de/code/aag/aag">wrapper</a> around
<code>apt-get</code> that makes it possible to install all recommended and/or
suggested packages for a given package. Graham Williams <a
<a href="http://packages.debian.org/wajig">wajig</a> which provides the same
functionality. Rene Engelhard <a
href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-0304/msg02257.html">added</a> that <a
href="http://packages.debian.org/aptitude">aptitude</a> which also supports
this interactively could probably also provide this functionality on the
command line.</p>

<p><strong>Debian-Lex in Interview.</strong> The Age, an Australian newspaper,
published an <a
interview</a> with Jeremy Malcolm, who started the <a
subproject. Apart from the input by all the developers involved in its parent
project, there are three qualified lawyers involved in the Debian-Lex project,
giving a mix of expert legal and IT input into its development. Malcolm
also talks about interoperability problems with many proprietary software
packages designed for use in legal practice.</p>

<p><strong>Improving Debian's Reliability.</strong> Rémi Perrot <a
href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-project-0305/msg00005.html">started</a> a
discussion on improving Debian's reliability. In his opinion the policy on
improving the stable release is too restrictive and doesn't give the opportunity to
improve Debian's quality outside of security fixes. He believes that as the release
cycle is very long we have to accept fixes on all bugs in the stable release.</p>

# From: Matt Black <matt@mattblack.cjb.net>

<p><strong>HP i2000 for Developer Use.</strong> James Troup <a
that thanks to the continuing support of <a
href="http://www.hp.com/">Hewlett-Packard</a>, caballero.debian.org - the
Debian ia64 build daemon - has recently been upgraded to an <a
As a result the old caballero, an <a
i2000</a>, is looking for a new home. The machine will be loaned to somebody
helping with the debian-installer, the toolchain (gcc, binutils, glibc), the kernel
or some other worthy cause. Interested developers should live in the UK (or
possibly Europe) and will need to supply some proof of previous work or
genuine potential for future work on a worthy cause.</p>

# From: Bartosz Zapalowski <bartek@klepisko.eu.org>

<p><strong>New Translation Effort in Poland.</strong> Bartosz Fenski
<a href="http://7thguard.net/news.php?id=2990">announced</a> (in Polish
only) a new translation effort called <a href="http://debian.linux.org.pl/">Polish
Debian Documentation Project</a> (PDDP). There are no Debian developers
in PDDP yet, but this is likely to change. The main goal of
this group is to translate Debian documentation into Polish as well as to help
translating DWN. Currently, they are translating the <a
href="$(HOME)/doc/user-manuals#quick-reference">Debian Reference</a>.</p>

# From: Frank Lichtenheld <frank@lichtenheld.de>

<p><strong>Debate over Credits in Free Software.</strong> The <a
discussion</a> on debian-devel, started by Hans Reiser (and <a
href="$(HOME)/News/weekly/2003/16/">reported</a> by DWN) has moved to
Newsforge. The discussion was regarding the stripping of output from ReiserFS
tools which included some sponsorship credits. Hans Reiser subsequently posted an <a
href="http://newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=03/04/28/1859244">article</a> about
his position and why he believes that credits in Free Software should be
better protected and enforced by license requirements. <a
href="http://slashdot.org/articles/03/05/02/1825247.shtml">Responses</a> to
his view were mostly negative.</p>

<p><strong>Software Patents Conference in Brussels.</strong> Jama Poulsen <a
mentioned</a> that the two-day interdisciplinary <a
href="http://swpat.ffii.org/termine/2003/europarl/05/">conference</a> in
Brussels on May 7th and 8th, will bring together programmers, engineers,
entrepreneurs, law scholars, economists and politicians to explore the
problems that the proposed patent law regulations will bring in relation to
the European policy and its goals.</p>

<p><strong>Debian Subversion Server.</strong> Wichert Akkerman <a
introduced</a> the Debian subversion server on <a
href="http://svn.debian.org/">svn.debian.org</a>. Commit access is maintained
through <a href="https://alioth.debian.org/">Alioth</a>. If you want to
maintain a subversion repository please register a project for it on Alioth.
Once the project has been approved please submit a support request asking for
a repository to be created. Adding someone to the Alioth project will
automatically give him write access to the repository as well.</p>

# From: Jonathan Oxer <jon@ivt.com.au>

<p><strong>Debian Miniconf3 announced.</strong> The Debian Miniconf run in
conjunction with <a href="http://lca2004.linux.org.au/">Linux Conference
Australia</a> (LCA) is becoming quite a tradition, and with the schedule for
LCA2004 now being finalised Jonathan Oxer <a
that <a href="http://www.debconf.org/miniconf3/">Debian Miniconf3</a> will
take place on January 10th and 11th, 2004 in Adelaide, Australia. He also
asked for anyone interested in presenting at the Miniconf to submit a <a
href="http://www.debconf.org/miniconf3/cfp/">proposal</a> for a talk.</p>

<p><strong>Sun Ultra 30 available for Developer.</strong> Nathan Norman <a
that he's going to make his current desktop machine, a Sun Ultra 30, available
to the Debian project if anyone can use it. Martin Michlmayr <a
href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-0305/msg00142.html">added</a> that
Debian will pay for shipping if somebody in the United States would like to
use this machine for porting the debian-installer to the sparc architecture,
something which Ben Collins has already <a

<p><strong>Packages scheduled for Removal.</strong> Petter Reinholdtsen was <a
to learn that some maintainers did not notice that their packages were <a
scheduled</a> for removal. Michael Banck <a
href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-0305/msg00138.html">noted</a> that
the BugScan mail is sent to the debian-devel-announce list, which is mandatory
to read for all Debian developers, though.</p>

<p><strong>Speaker for Conference in India sought.</strong> Martin Michlmayr
<a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-0305/msg00139.html">seeks</a> a
speaker to talk about Debian at a conference in India. The conference will
take place in Mumbai on June 12th and 13th and Debian has been invited to
deliver a talk. Anybody interested in giving a talk about Debian in Mumbai
should get in touch with Martin.</p>

<p><strong>Debian at Conferences in Italy and Austria.</strong> The Debian project
<a href="$(HOME)/News/2003/20030505">announced</a> that it has been invited to
participate in two conferences that are taking place during the next couple of
days. At the <a href="$(HOME)/events/2003/0509-webbit">Webb.it</a> in Padova,
Italy, Debian will be present with a booth and several developers will help
visitors install Free Software. At the <a
href="$(HOME)/events/2003/0509-ifit">IFIT</a> in Innsbruck, Austria, the
project will be present with a booth and several talks.</p>

<p><strong>Security Updates.</strong> You know the drill. Please make sure
that you update your systems if you have any of these packages installed.</p>

<li><a href="$(HOME)/security/2003/dsa-295">pptpd</a> --
Remote root exploit.
<li><a href="$(HOME)/security/2003/dsa-296">kdebase</a> --
Arbitrary command execution.
<li><a href="$(HOME)/security/2003/dsa-297">Snort</a> --
Remote root exploits.
<li><a href="$(HOME)/security/2003/dsa-298">EPIC4</a> --
DoS and arbitrary code execution.
<li><a href="$(HOME)/security/2003/dsa-299">leksbot</a> --
Improper setuid-root execution.
<li><a href="$(HOME)/security/2003/dsa-300">Balsa</a> --
Buffer overflow.

<p><strong>New or Noteworthy Packages.</strong> The following packages were
added to the unstable Debian archive recently or contain important updates.</p>

<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/games/agistudio.html">agistudio</a>
-- IDE for creating early Sierra style AGI games.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/admin/apt-listbugs.html">apt-listbugs</a>
-- Lists critical bugs before each apt installation.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/admin/atop.html">atop</a>
-- Monitor for system resources and process activity.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/gnome/battfink.html">battfink</a>
-- GNOME Power Management Configuration.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/utils/cstream.html">cstream</a>
-- General-purpose stream-handling tool similar to dd.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/admin/dirvish.html">dirvish</a>
-- Filesystem based backup system using rsync.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/graphics/epstool.html">epstool</a>
-- Edit preview images and fix bounding boxes in EPS files.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/utils/fcitx.html">fcitx</a>
-- Free Chinese Input Toy for X (XIM).
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/gnome/foomatic-gui.html">foomatic-gui</a>
-- GNOME interface for configuring the Foomatic printer filter system.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/math/gap-core.html">gap-core</a>
-- GAP computer algebra system, core components.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/hamradio/gpredict.html">gpredict</a>
-- Satellite tracking program for GNOME.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/sound/gtkpod.html">gtkpod</a>
-- Software using GTK2 for managing songs and playlists on an Apple iPod.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/net/icukrell.html">icukrell</a>
-- GKrellm plugin which shows the status of GnomeICU.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/utils/imhangul.html">imhangul</a>
-- Hangul (Korean) input module for GTK+.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/admin/jailer.html">jailer</a>
-- Build and maintain chrooted environments.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/games/nagi.html">nagi</a>
-- Game interpreter for Sierra Online (tm) AGI games.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/web/netrik.html">netrik</a>
-- Text mode WWW browser with vi like keybindings.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/games/ptkei.html">ptkei</a>
-- Python TK Empire Interface.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/net/putty.html">putty</a>
-- Telnet/SSH client for X.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/kde/slicker.html">slicker</a>
-- Alternative for the KDE Kicker.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/utils/slptool.html">slptool</a>
-- SLP command line tool.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/misc/tagcoll.html">tagcoll</a>
-- Commandline tool to perform operations on tagged collections.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/web/vlogger.html">vlogger</a>
-- Virtual web logfile rotater/parser.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/web/webhttrack.html">webhttrack</a>
-- Copy websites to your computer, httrack with a Web GUI.
<li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/x11/wmcliphist.html">wmcliphist</a>
-- Dockapp which provides a history for X11 selections.

<p><strong>Orphaned Packages.</strong> 2 packages were orphaned this week and
require a new maintainer. This makes a total of 192 orphaned packages. Many
thanks to the previous maintainers who contributed to the Free Software
community. Please see the <a href="$(HOME)/devel/wnpp/">WNPP pages</a> for
the full list, and please add a note to the bug report and retitle it to ITA:
if you plan to take over a package.</p>

<li> <a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/net/arpd.html">arpd</a>
-- User-space ARP daemon.
(<a href="http://bugs.debian.org/191870">Bug#191870</a>)</li>
<li> <a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/admin/ide-smart.html">ide-smart</a>
-- S.M.A.R.T. status checking tool for IDE hard disks.
(<a href="http://bugs.debian.org/191686">Bug#191686</a>)</li>

<p><strong>Want to continue reading DWN?</strong> Please help us create this
newsletter. We still need more volunteer writers who investigate the Debian
community and report about events in the community. Please see the <a
href="$(HOME)/News/weekly/contributing">contributing page</a> to find out how
to help. We're looking forward to receiving your mail at <a


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