Debian Weekly News - November 19th, 2002 中文部份翻譯

DWN 翻譯小組請進

Debian Weekly News - November 19th, 2002 中文部份翻譯

文章chuany » 週三 11月 20, 2002 7:23 am

Prerelease of available. Chris Halls [10]announced a
new set of prerelease packages for the (OOo)
application suite. If no problems are found these packages are
supposed to be uploaded to unstable soon. Additionally, [11]upstream
asked for help with a new [12]initiative to make OOo a well behaved
citizen on ones harddisk by using the systems native installer to
become the default way to install, modify, or uninstall it. Naturally,
Debian packages are already listed as being supported by the next
release. 最新預覽版已經可以取得了. Chris Halls 發佈了 應用套裝軟體一些最新的程式套件. 如果在這些套件中沒有發現任何問題, 這些套件將會盡快放入 unstable 中. 另外, upstream 問了一個問題, 提議讓 建立透過系統原始安裝程式, 人性化的規劃套件在硬碟中的安裝, 修改, 與反安裝. 當然, Debian 套件已經將此列為下一個版本的支援項目.

Security Updates. You know the drill. Please make sure that you update
your systems if you have any of these packages installed.

安全性更新. 知道 drill 吧? 如果你有安裝這個套件, 請確認你已經更新你的系統了.

Help with Signed Packages. Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña [27]asked
for help with integrating signature checks in the Debian user
infrastructure. Ian Jackson raised additional [28]concerns about
tainted systems and having the need for a Certification Authority.
However, Javier still depends on per-package signatures and Anthony
Towns [29]explains with details why this is not the way for Debian to
go, again.

簽名套件的求助. Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña 問了一個需要大家幫忙整合
簽名檢查到 Debian 的使用者基礎建設中. Ian Jackson 則發起了另一個關心的議題, 是有關 tainted 系統和需要一個權限認證. 然而 Javier 仍然主張透過每個套件簽名的方式, Anthony Towns 再一次詳細的解釋了為什麼這麼方法對 Debian 來說是不可行的.

文章: 268
註冊時間: 週二 9月 03, 2002 5:37 am

Re: Debian Weekly News - November 19th, 2002 中文部份翻

文章chuany » 週三 11月 20, 2002 7:39 am

MAME to become licensed under the GPL? It was [22]reported that the
developers of the Multi Arcade Machine Emulator (MAME) have indicated
that they [23]consider releasing future versions under the GNU
[24]General Public License (GPL). MAME's [25]current license contains
certain restrictions that render it non-free according to the
[26]Debian Free Software Guidelines. MAME adopting the GPL would be a
positive addition to Free Software, although most of the game ROMs
that MAME uses remain very non-free.

MAME 要變成是 GPL 的版權? 這是 Multi Arcade Machine Emulator(MAME)的開發者所報告指出的, 他們在保慮在未來的版本中以 GNU 的 GPL 方式釋出.
MAME 現在的版權包含了某些限制使得它是 non-free 而無法跨越 Debian 的自由軟體指導方針中. 雖然 MAME 所使用的大部份遊戲 ROMs 仍是 non-free 的, MAME 一旦採用 GPL, 將會確實放入自由軟體裡.
文章: 268
註冊時間: 週二 9月 03, 2002 5:37 am

文章jesse.sung » 週三 11月 20, 2002 9:21 am

我來撿軟柿子吃先.... :y2_04:
格式依 40 期的中文版, 這大家幫忙訂正喔!

Debian Weekly News - November 19th, 2002

Welcome to this year's 45th issue of DWN, the weekly newsletter for the Debian community. If you don't know yet what to give for Christmas, check out this Debian art collection. There's more good news, since Drew Scott Daniels reported that the LZW patent runs out in the U.S. on December 20th, 2002. LZW is used as compression method in several data formats, such as TIFF.

Debian 每週快訊 - 2002年11月19日

歡迎閱讀今年第四十五期的 DWN,每週 Debian 社群快訊。如果您還不知道耶誕節該送什麼,可以逛逛Debian art collection。好消息不止如此,Drew Scott Daniels 指出 在美國LZW專利將於2002年12月20日到期。LZW在如TIFF等許多資料格式中被用來壓縮。
最後由 jesse.sung 於 週三 11月 20, 2002 10:02 am 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。
文章: 654
註冊時間: 週三 9月 04, 2002 9:43 am

文章moto » 週三 11月 20, 2002 9:29 am

阿阿阿....大家動作這麼快 .... :ooops:

這樣怎麼辦..我回家就沒甚麼網路可用了.... :crying:

這事該怎麼辦比較好... :-o
文章: 2808
註冊時間: 週二 9月 03, 2002 3:37 am
來自: 台北

文章jesse.sung » 週三 11月 20, 2002 9:36 am

Security Updates. You know the drill. Please make sure that you update your systems if you have any of these packages installed

【安全升級。】 您知道程序的。如果您安裝了下列任何的套件,請務必更新的系統。
*Apache-Perl -- Several vulnerabilities.
*BIND -- Several vulnerabilities.
*Courier Sqwebmail -- Local information exposure.
*Nullmailer -- Local denial of service.
*mhonarc -- Cross site scripting.
文章: 654
註冊時間: 週三 9月 04, 2002 9:43 am

文章jesse.sung » 週三 11月 20, 2002 9:57 am

New or Noteworthy Packages. The following packages were added to the unstable Debian archive recently or contain important updates.

【新的或值得注意的軟體套件。】下列套件是最近被加到 unstable Debian 檔案庫或是有重大更新。
*blosxom -- A lightweight yet feature-packed weblog.
*brickos -- Alternative OS for LEGO Mindstorms. supports devel. in C/C++.
*regexxer -- A visual search and replace tool.
*screader -- Screen reader using software or hardware speech synthesizer.
*skyutils2 -- Many useful functions for the web like smssend.
*smb-nat -- Netbios Auditing Tool.
*xml-to-sexp -- Program to convert XML to into Lisp S-Exp.

Want to continue reading DWN? Please help us create this newsletter. Several people are submitting items already, but we are still in need of volunteer writers who prepare items. Please see the contributing page to find out how to help. We're looking forward to receiving your mail at

【想繼續讀 DWN 嗎?】請幫助我們製作這份新聞郵件。已經有好幾位朋友提供了新聞稿,但我們仍然欠缺準備新聞稿的自願者。這裡有如何幫助我們的資訊。我們在[][/url]期待您的來信!
文章: 654
註冊時間: 週三 9月 04, 2002 9:43 am

文章阿信 » 週三 11月 20, 2002 11:50 am

文章: 4756
註冊時間: 週二 9月 03, 2002 11:58 pm
來自: 台灣 - 嘉義

文章mufa » 週三 11月 20, 2002 1:16 pm

文章: 150
註冊時間: 週一 9月 09, 2002 4:32 pm

文章jesse.sung » 週三 11月 20, 2002 1:28 pm

阿信兄, 還沒全翻完呢! :-)

Alignment with the Linux Standard Base. Steve Greenland raised some concerns over how run-parts from the debianutils package should handle file names. Run-parts is used to execute a number of scripts or programs found in one directory (for example, scripts in /etc/cron.daily). The "run-parts" program requires these script filenames to consist entirely of letters, digits, underscores or hyphens. Any filenames containing a period are ignored, so scripts like "script.dpkg-new" are passed over. A bug was filed suggesting that the period be allowed in filenames, for example "" and it was pointed out that the Linux Standard Base requires the period to be allowed. Rather than make sudden changes to run-parts, Steve thought it would be a good idea to find a standard way for all programs of this nature to behave within Debian.

【依 Linux Standard Base 做調整】Steve Greenland 提出一些關於 debianutils 套件中 run-parts 處理檔案的名稱問題。run-parts 是用來執行指定目錄中可以找到的 scripts 或程式(舉例來說, 執行 /etc/cron.daily 下的 scripts)。run-parts 要求這些 scripts 的檔名中只能有英文字母、數字、unerscores(_)、以及hyphens(-)。只要檔名中有 "." 的都會被忽略不執行, 所以像 "script.dpkg-new" 這樣的 scripts 都會被跳過。在"問題回報"中有人建議要允許檔名中包含 "." (如 ""),而且在 Linux Standard Base 中要求檔名是可以包含 "." 的。Steve 認為, 為 Debian 中所有以這一種方式處理檔案的程式訂出一個統一的作法,而不要僅是修改 run-parts會是比較好的方式。
文章: 654
註冊時間: 週三 9月 04, 2002 9:43 am

文章jesse.sung » 週三 11月 20, 2002 1:47 pm

Phoenix Prerelease Packages. Eric Dorland announced prerelease packages for the Phoenix web-browser, which is a redesign of the Mozilla browser component, similar to Galeon. There are no source packages yet, because Eric hasn't come up with a good way to package the source, and he doesn't want to package unnecessary components, since it's really rather large.

【Phoenix 的 Prerelease 套件】Eric Dorland 發表了網頁瀏覽器 Phoenix 的 Prerelease 套件。Phoenix 和 Galeon 類似,改寫 Mozilla 中瀏覽器的部份。但由於 Eric 還沒有找到好的方式來包 source,而且因為它很龐大,Eric 不希望把一些不必要的部份也包了進來,所以暫時還沒有 source pakage。
文章: 654
註冊時間: 週三 9月 04, 2002 9:43 am

文章jesse.sung » 週三 11月 20, 2002 2:04 pm

Knoppix-Med. By virtue of the large success of Knoppix people from the Debian-Med subproject started a Knoppix-Med effort to include several pieces of medical software in it. The document that describes how to remaster Knoppix to include GNUmed and other medical software, is finally online.

【Knoppix-Med】由於 Knoppix 的成功,Debian-Med子計劃的成員嚐試將一些醫藥軟體加入它而成 Knoppix-Med。說明如何將 GNUmed 及其它醫藥軟體加入 Knoppix 的文件終於出爐了!
文章: 654
註冊時間: 週三 9月 04, 2002 9:43 am

Re: Debian Weekly News - November 19th, 2002 中文部份翻

文章octapult » 週三 11月 20, 2002 6:16 pm

chuany 寫:Additionally, [11]upstream asked for help with a new [12]initiative to make OOo a well behaved citizen on ones harddisk by using the systems native installer to become the default way to install, modify, or uninstall it.

另外, upstream 問了一個問題, 提議讓 建立透過系統原始安裝程式, 人性化的規劃套件在硬碟中的安裝, 修改, 與反安裝.

這邊的 upstream 指的是 官方而不是人名,所以直接翻成 官方應該就可以了:-)

chuany 寫:Security Updates. You know the drill. Please make sure that you update
your systems if you have any of these packages installed.

安全性更新. 知道 drill 吧? 如果你有安裝這個套件, 請確認你已經更新你的系統了.

chuany 兄,這邊有點小問題。
You know the drill 硬翻過來就是 "你們都已經知道操練過程了吧",作者有點暗指每位讀者應該都已經很熟練平常進行 security update 的時候該做的所有動作,應該不用我再重複一遍了吧。所以我個人是覺得這邊直接翻成 "安全性更新。你們應該都知道怎麼做了吧,如果您有安裝這些套件,請務必更新您的系統" 就可以了 :-)
文章: 512
註冊時間: 週六 9月 07, 2002 10:30 pm
來自: Seyda Neen, Morrowind

文章jesse.sung » 週三 11月 20, 2002 11:18 pm

URLs in the Package Description. David Goodenough (as an example for others) asked whether upstream URLs could be added to the package description on our packages pages. Raphaël Hertzog noted that it's already documented in the best packaging practice to add an upstream URL to the description. Joey Hess, however, complained that the Description field is not intended to be a random dumping-ground for any information that cannot fit into some other field. Branden Robinson finally added that the policy already mandates upstream URLs, but in the copyright file.

【套件描述中的 URLs】David Goodenough (以他為其他人的代表)問到在我們的套件網頁上,是否可以把來源 URLs 加到套件描述中。Raphaël Hertzog 指出"把來源 URLs 加到套件描述"已經明列在"良好的製作套件方式(best packaging practice)"裡。但是 Joey Hess 抱怨不應該把沒有其它地方可以放的資訊全塞到套件描述裡。最後,Branden Robinson 指出規章中本來就有指明來源 URLs 應該放在 copyright 中。
文章: 654
註冊時間: 週三 9月 04, 2002 9:43 am

Re: Debian Weekly News - November 19th, 2002 中文部份翻

文章chuany » 週三 11月 20, 2002 11:59 pm

octapult 寫:
chuany 寫:Additionally, [11]upstream asked for help with a new [12]initiative to make OOo a well behaved citizen on ones harddisk by using the systems native installer to become the default way to install, modify, or uninstall it.

另外, upstream 問了一個問題, 提議讓 建立透過系統原始安裝程式, 人性化的規劃套件在硬碟中的安裝, 修改, 與反安裝.

這邊的 upstream 指的是 官方而不是人名,所以直接翻成 官方應該就可以了:-)

chuany 寫:Security Updates. You know the drill. Please make sure that you update
your systems if you have any of these packages installed.

安全性更新. 知道 drill 吧? 如果你有安裝這個套件, 請確認你已經更新你的系統了.

chuany 兄,這邊有點小問題。
You know the drill 硬翻過來就是 "你們都已經知道操練過程了吧",作者有點暗指每位讀者應該都已經很熟練平常進行 security update 的時候該做的所有動作,應該不用我再重複一遍了吧。所以我個人是覺得這邊直接翻成 "安全性更新。你們應該都知道怎麼做了吧,如果您有安裝這些套件,請務必更新您的系統" 就可以了 :-)

讚啦! 還可以學英文! 謝謝囉!
文章: 268
註冊時間: 週二 9月 03, 2002 5:37 am

文章jesse.sung » 週四 11月 21, 2002 1:03 pm

最後六段, 希望今天可以完成.... :-P

Draft W3C Patent Policy. Attorney Larry Rosen reports that the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) needs feedback on their last-call draft of a new patent policy. The good news is that this latest draft calls for all W3C specifications to be freely implementable. Larry says "The community now needs to be heard supporting this policy so that it is not undone during the public input and W3C Advisory Council phase." Comments are being accepted until December 31st, 2002, at

【W3C專利政策草案】Attorney Larry Rosen 提到 World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) 需要聽到大家對他們的將定稿的專利政策草案的想法。好消息是,在最新的草案中規範所有 W3C 的專利他人可以免費地實作。
Larry 說,"社群支持這項草案的聲音必須要讓 W3C 聽到,才不會讓它在外界回應及 W3C 資詢委員會的階段被否決掉。"在2002年12月31日前,您對這項草案的意見都可以送到

Packages Removed by Release Manager. In accordance with the announcement last month, Anthony Towns reported, that about thirty packages that were removed from the distribution. However, at least three more packages were removed from the non-US distribution as well. Anthony states that these packages may be reuploaded and will be considered new packages with the usual processing. Please make sure that any known bugs are actually fixed before you do so, though.

【發行管理者移除了部份套件】Anthony Towns 指出依據上個月發表的一份聲明,在發行的套件中移除了約三十個套件。同時,在 non-US 套件中也至少移除了三個套件。Anthony 說明這些套件可以循一般的管道再次上傳,而且它們會被視為新進的套件。不過在此之前,請上傳者先確認套件中所有己知的 bug 都已確實地被修正。

Voting Amendments. The current constitution has some ambiguities and different people have different ideas about what the constitution says should be done if Debian ever has a ballot where some of the choices require amending the constitution and others don't. Also, some of these interpretations could give disappointing results for elections with big ballots with popular choices. Several people are working on a revised voting procedure which doesn't have these ambiguities, and which disregards as few votes as possible even for elections with big ballots and lots of popular choices.


Update on Statistics about Debian on the Desktop. An ongoing survey on asks which GNU/Linux distribution users prefer for desktop computing. Last month, Debian was placed fourth at 8.9 %. This time, with 14.1 % of the vote, Debian has stormed ahead of Red Hat and SuSE to be second only to Mandrake. Around 1300 more votes were registered since October, totally over 6200 responses.

【更新:Debian在 desktop 的統計】在 網站上正在進行一項調查,統計大家在 desktop 的領域較喜歡用哪一套 GNU/Linux distribution。在上個月,Debian 獲得了 8.9% 的選票,位居第四名。而現在,Debian 以 14.1% 的支持率旋風式地超前 Red Hat 和 SuSE,僅僅落後 Mandrake 成為第二名。從十月至今,這項調查收到了超過 1300 張選票及超過 6200 封回應。

Getting rid of undocumented Manpages. Manoj Srivastava reports that there is a proposal under consideration for changing the undocumented(7) manpage. The proposal states more explicitely that the lack of a manpage is a bug and should be reported to the Bug Tracking System.

【擺脫 undocument manpage】Manoj Srivastava 指出一個改變 undocumented(7) manpage 的提案正在研擬中。這項提案明確地定義"缺少 manpage"是一個 bug 而且必須回報到 Bug追蹤系統 (Bug Tracking System)。

Debian Accessibility Project. Mario Lang summarized the current state of issues regarding accessibility in Debian, and also tried to give a bit of overview of tasks which are necessary to ensure that Debian is accessible to people with disabilities. It includes references to software that is already part of Debian, and tries to summarize the situation as well as provide a list of tasks for people interested in helping.

【協助身心障礙者使用 Debian 計劃】Mario Lang 概述了現在對身心障礙者而言 Debian 的易用程度,而且提出一些必需要完成的工作。這些工作包括了使用一些已經在 Debian 中的軟體,以及整理出工作的列表,讓想幫助這個計劃的朋友知道能怎麼幫忙。
文章: 654
註冊時間: 週三 9月 04, 2002 9:43 am

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