[轉錄][筆記] fast booting linux

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[轉錄][筆記] fast booting linux

文章moto » 週六 11月 06, 2004 11:26 am

※ 本文轉錄自 [rabit] 看板

作者: rabit (喔...論文過了 ^_^) 看板: rabit
標題: [筆記] fast booting linux
時間: Fri Nov 5 21:39:53 2004

- Linux 開機流程


Hardware Startup --+ <-----+ ---
| | | ^
V | | |
Firmware(BIOS) --+ | |
| | |
V | |
Boot Selector --+ |

| | |
/ \ | |
/ \ | |
+------+ +-----+ | |
/ \ V |
Legacy OS Linux-Capable | Use XIP to boot
| bootloader |
V + | Linux kernel
Linux Loader / |
| / |
+ / |
\ / |
+------+--------+ | |
| | V
V | ---
Linux Kernel <--------------+ ^
| | |
/ \ | |
/ \ | |
+---+ +--+ | |
/ \ | V
Mount initrd + | ---
| | | ^
/ \ | | |
/ \ | | |
+ linuxrc | |
| /\ | |
| / \ V | execute shell script
| / Mount root file system |
+ / | | pallerlly
\/ | |
| V |
+-----------/sbin/init | |
| | |
| | |
V | V
System Runs --------+ ---

- fast boot

http://lists.osdl.org/pipermail/fastboo ... 00276.html

[Fastboot] (no subject)
Tim Bird tim.bird at am.sony.com
Tue Apr 13 17:49:51 PDT 2004

* Previous message: [Fastboot] (no subject)
* Next message: [Fastboot] [announce] kexec updates (2.6.4, 2.6.5)
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Randy.Dunlap wrote:
I see fast boot (and reboot) being broken down into these 4 areas
(and maybe more):

1. linux-reboots-linux (kexec or other solutions)

2. modifying (some) Linux kernel code to init in parallel, like
storage and networking drivers; I haven't seen any work in
this area yet.

3. using a known-devices database so that device discovery doesn't
have to be done at each boot cycle (can be done on demand).
This isn't related to device naming.

4. using faster (parallel) init scripts, like Richard Gooch's Linux
Boot Scripts (http://www.atnf.csiro.au/people/rgooch/ ... t-scripts/)
or the Midori (Transmeta) derivation of them (called 'quickinit':
see CVS at http://sourceforge.net/projects/midori/)

In the Bootup Time working group in the CE Linux forum, we've broken
it down into 4 major areas:
- firmware
- kernel init
- user init (daemons, scripts)
- application init

For firmware init, we are interested in kernel XIP (and general firmware
time-bloat reductions - maybe LinuxBIOS?)

For kernel init, we are interested in 2 and 3. Also, we are interested
general probing reductions (eg. idex=noprobe is broken in 2.4 - haven't
checked 2.6 yet.)

For user init, we have done some work with modifications to busybox to
make RC scripts execute faster.

For user init and application init, we have looked at application XIP,
and are potentially interested in pre-linking.

Tim Bird
Architecture Group Co-Chair
CE Linux Forum
Senior Staff Engineer
Sony Electronics
E-mail: Tim.Bird at am.sony.com

http://www.celinuxforum.org/PublicSpeci ... ation_V_1_

- 支援 XIP(Excute In Place) 的 embedded linux kernel

- uClinux

- Montavista
http://www.embeddedstar.com/press/conte ... 13084.html

- CELinux
http://tree.celinuxforum.org/pubwiki/mo ... ology_5fR1
http://redwood.snu.ac.kr/~sshong/course ... proj2.html
http://tree.celinuxforum.org/pubwiki/mo ... tchArchive

- 關於 XIP(execute in place)技術

- 使用 XIP 其 booting time 為 200ms!

- XIP 的說明
目前似乎沒有 x86 平台的解決方案? 不需要?

http://www.ucdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/ ... ode=thread
http://www-3.ibm.com/chips/products/pow ... r/dec2002/
http://tree.celinuxforum.org/pubwiki/mo ... ology_5fR1
http://mailman.uclinux.org/pipermail/uc ... 003-March/
http://lists.infradead.org/pipermail/li ... -December/

- faster init scripts

http://www.atnf.csiro.au/people/rgooch/ ... t-scripts/
http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/l ... -boot.html?

- fast "reboot" -kexec
目前只有 x86 平台的支援

http://developer.osdl.org/rddunlap/kexe ... kexec.html
http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/l ... kexec.html

- 關於 uClinux

http://www.linuxforum.net/forum/gshowfl ... =embedded&
http://www.minigui.org/cgi-bin/lb5000/t ... 194&show=0
http://opensrc.sec.samsung.com/Getting_ ... RM2_6.html



 平凡的心.平凡的人 rabit
※ Origin: SayYA 資訊站 <bbs.sayya.org
◆ From: info.sayya.org

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