可以請問一下這些patch會進入source tree麼?
:~ 現在玩KDE CVS要是每升級一次就要停下來patch一次有時候也是挺累人的XD
* CVS updates as of 2003-06-07 with many fixes, including:
- Werner Lemberg has fixed the problem FreeType 2 had with
HuaTian multiple-level subglyphs fonts like htst3.ttf.
Many thanks! :-)
(MS web core fonts like MonoType Arial would become distorted.)
* Disable Firefly's GRAYS_USE_GAMMA patch for now: I have received
several bug reports about "ugly fonts" or jaggies already, and I am
not sure whether it is due to the adjusted gamma values or
the new unpatented hinting in CVS. Let's see what happens. :-)
(Closes: Bug#196029, #196048, #196086)
* Yikes, Werner's number to pointer changes broke binary compatibility
with XFree86 4.3.0. I hope the patch
correctly reverts the problem. My apologies to the Debian XFree86
for my oversight.
* FreeType 2.1.4 was unable to read some gzip'ed fonts Many thanks to
"Alexis S. L. Carvalho" <alexis@cecm.usp.br> for diagnosing and
correcting the problem. (Closes: Bug#184355)
* Note to self: Debian's file/libmagic1 (4.02-4) misdetects
libfreetype.so.6.3.3 as "Linux/i386 core" file on i386 platforms.
moto 寫:ㄟ...octapult 兄...
嘿嘿嘿嘿..你知道的...能不能給 deb 阿...
Tetralet 寫:可否稍稍說明一下這兩個 Patch 檔的功能?
一個似乎是讓 Fontconfig 允許漏字 1% 以下?
另外一個則是讓 Fontconfig 支援多國的字型名稱?
對了,multfamily 是否為 multifamily 之誤?
octapult 寫:多謝螢火飛學長
Debian unstable 的 fontconfig 剛剛升級到 2.2.1-1,小弟就馬上試了您的新 patch,目前似乎沒有甚麼問題。除了掉字的老問題,不過這個好像跟 fontconfig 沒有關係,因為小弟只有將 Bitstream Vera Serif 換成 Utopia、Bitstream Vera Sans 換成 Verdana,預設中文字型為細明體,另外還有字型路徑不同而已。
octapult 寫:moto 寫:ㄟ...octapult 兄...
嘿嘿嘿嘿..你知道的...能不能給 deb 阿...
這次小弟將版本號碼設為 Debian 官方 unstable package 的版本號碼 + 1,再接上 firefly,成為 2.2.1-2+firefly (在 Debian 套件版本的管理上,似乎是 2.2.1-1 < 2.2.1-2+firefly < 2.2.1-2),比較方便大家直接以 apt-get upgrade 做升級。
p.s. moto 兄,小弟並沒有將 fontconfig 2.2.0 的幾個檔案給刪掉,因為小弟不清楚該如何處置這些舊檔。
Anonymous 寫:What about Debian stable ? Anything to share?
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