KOffice 改名為 Calligra Suite

KDE 是一個強大的圖形桌面環境,各項關於 KDE 使用上的問題或討論歡迎在此提出。

版主: AceLan, Franklin

KOffice 改名為 Calligra Suite

文章訪客 » 週二 12月 07, 2010 10:44 pm

KOffice 已被更名為“Calligra Suite”,並且獲得更廣泛的關注。

Productivity applications:

Words Word processor; new, but evolved from KWord
Tables Spreadsheet program, previously known as KSpread
Stage Presentation program, previously known as KPresenter
Flow Flowchart program, previously known as Kivio (will be released in the next version)
Kexi Database application like Microsoft Access

Management applications:

Plan Project management, previously known as KPlato

Graphics applications:

Krita Drawing application for multi-layered pixel-based images
Karbon Drawing application for multi-layered vector images

而且也為此開設一個新的網站: http://www.calligra-suite.org/

詳細資訊請看 KDE 新聞:
http://www.kdenews.org/2010/12/06/kde-a ... igra-suite

http://www.oschina.net/news/13603/kde-a ... igra-suite

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