# assume a fresh sarge installation
this works on a fresh install, so YMMV if you've got one with cruft already in it.
aptitude install cacti
(takes a while - will install apache, php4, mysql - and ask you some questions - just default on all of them. when it asks you about names and passwds, use 'cacti' for everything.)
(also, the message about "libphp-adodb isn't longer installed in /usr/lib/adodb. etc." doesn't seem to be valid - so for now, ignore it.)
adduser cacti
mysqladmin --user=root create cacti
mysql -u root -e "grant all privileges on cacti.* to cacti@localhost identified by 'cacti'; flush privileges;"
zcat /usr/share/doc/cacti/cacti.sql.gz | mysql -u cacti --password=cacti cacti
echo "extension=mysql.so" >> /etc/php4/apache/php.ini
/etc/init.d/apache restart
(not sure if you actually have to do this step, but it won't hurt.)
got to
click on okay for everything until you get to the main page.
click on the "graphs" tab.
you will see some broken looking stuff.
wait for 10 whole minutes, hit refresh and you will see nice graphs.
that's it.