Jabber also has what they call a "transport". A transport is a way of connecting to another IM service, such as AIM or ICQ. In order to use a transport, you "subscribe" to it, which is sort of like adding it to your buddy list, except you must also provide a valid username and password (e.g. if you were subscribing to the AIM transport, you would tell it your AIM username and the password for that account). Once you have subscribed to a transport, it will sign onto that service using the specified username, and you can talk to people using that service - their username would be
ewarmenhoven@aim.jabber.org, for example. The username they would see is the one you subscribed to the transport with.
"Currently in Gaim, you cannot subscribe to a transport - however, if you subscribe to a transport using a different client", Gaim can make use of it.
自問自答! Gaim 無法這樣搞 /_\