1.when must you must run lilo?Select the best response.
A.after installing a new module
B.after installing a new kernel
2.The make modules command does what?
A.Bulids all kernel module
B.Bulids only the kernel modules not referenced directly by kernel
C.Loads the kernel modules
D.Compiles the kernel
書本答案:D,但我認為D應該是make bzImage吧!,所以我的答案是a or b (不太懂b的意思)
3.The lsmod command lists the loaded kernel modules.Where else is this information stored?
書的答案:/etc/modules.conf or /etc/conf.modules
lsmod 列出來的不是和這裡一樣嗎?怎麼扯到設定檔,不懂。
4.Which of following can show the booting messages?
B.cat /var/log/messages
C.cat /var/log/dmseg
A是沒有問題。B跟C我不太懂…B是之前的boot messages所以因該不對,C的話:我去讀後和dmesg顯示出來的有出入…它是嗎?