【研討會】Tor 與網路審查制度間的微妙關係


【研討會】Tor 與網路審查制度間的微妙關係

文章openfoundry » 週四 3月 17, 2011 1:30 pm

Roger Dingledine 是匿名網路系統的專案主持人,今春來台,特別安排在中研院舉行一場演講,介紹Tor的功能與強處、Tor在中國及伊朗等國的使用實況、還有TOR的未來發展方向。與專案主持人面對面會談的機會難得,歡迎關心網路資訊安全、對破網軟體TOR有興趣的網友,都能前來共襄盛舉。

Roger Dingledine is project leader for The Tor Project, a US non-profit working on anonymity research and development for such diverse organizations as the US Navy and the Electronic Frontier Foundation. In addition to all the hats he wears for Tor, Roger organizes academic conferences on anonymity, speaks at a wide variety of industry and hacker conferences, and also does tutorials on anonymity for national and foreign law enforcement.

講題:Tor 與網路審查制度間的微妙關係
講者:Roger Dingledine
時間:2011-03-29 14:00 - 16:00
地點:中研院 > 資訊科學研究所 > 106 室
OpenFoundry > 工作坊 > Tor and censorship: lessons learned / Tor 與網路審查制度間的微妙關係
http://www.openfoundry.org/tw/workshop/ ... ns-learned

Tor 是一個網路匿名的自由軟體,可以幫助全世界的人更安全的使用各種網路服務。該系統由用戶端軟體以及網路伺服器共同組成。其網路伺服器的特點是,它可以隱藏使用者所在地。使用此系統可以避免有心人士追蹤使用者的戶聯網流量,包含:拜訪的網站、即時通訊內容、線上發布文章數以及其他通訊形式。Tor 的產生,主要希望能夠保護使用者個人的網路自由與隱私權,且藉由阻止有心人士對使用者網路行為的監控,讓使用者在製作機密文件時更加安心。

本演講內容包括三個主題。首先簡介 Tor 的整體架構,說明其常用的服務類型及 Tor 提供的安全機制。其次,深入探討 Tor 的匿名繞行策略。講者將聚焦在伊朗或是大陸的使用者,介紹使用Tor 時,如何在可用性與安全性之間作抉擇。第三,說明未來將如何把 Tor 運用在軍備競賽中。

Tor is a free-software anonymizing network that helps people around the world use the Internet in safety. Tor's 1800 volunteer relays carry traffic for several hundred thousand users including ordinary citizens who want protection from identity theft and prying corporations, corporations who want to look at a competitor's website in private, and soldiers and aid workers in the Middle East who need to contact their home servers without fear of physical harm.

Tor was originally designed as a civil liberties tool for people in the West. But if governments can block connections to the Tor network, who cares that it provides great anonymity? A few years ago we started adapting Tor to be more robust in countries like China. We streamlined its network communications to look more like ordinary SSL, and we introduced "bridge relays" that are harder for an attacker to find and block than Tor's public relays. In the aftermath of the Iranian elections in June 2009, and then the periodic blockings in China, we've learned a lot about how circumvention tools work in reality for activists in tough situations.

I'll give an overview of the Tor architecture, and summarize the variety of people who use it and what security it provides. Then we'll focus on the use of tools like Tor in countries like Iran and China: why anonymity is important for circumvention, why transparency in design and operation is critical for trust, the role of popular media in helping -- and harming -- the effectiveness of the tools, and tradeoffs between usability and security. After describing Tor's strategy for secure circumvention (what we thought would work), I'll talk about how the arms race actually seems to be going in practice.null
文章: 3
註冊時間: 週四 3月 17, 2011 11:07 am

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