Hendry Kai, 来自芬兰的 DD 从此次海啸灾难中成功逃生

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Hendry Kai, 来自芬兰的 DD 从此次海啸灾难中成功逃生

文章carlos » 週日 1月 02, 2005 8:49 pm

刚刚从 planet 上看到的消息,Kai 当时正在印度阿达曼群岛度假,灾难发生时他甚至还在海滩上享受阳光!真是幸运呀!


Kai is alive
My friend Kai, who I met in Finland some years ago and some of you met in Oslo, is alive. He writes:

Kai Hendry, a 26-year-old computer-science student from Bodmin, Cornwall, who was on holiday in the Andaman Islands.

"I was relaxing in a hammock on the beach when the earthquake hit. The force of the tremors was unbelievable and it began raining coconuts as the place shook. I ran and held on to a tree for what felt like an age but was probably only about a minute before it all went quiet.

"Then all of a sudden the tide went right out and the sea disappeared. Even at this point we didn't know what was coming and remained close to the sea until the wave came and we had to run for our lives. We should have realised what was coming, but nobody did.

"My French travelling companion, Antoine, and I decided we had to think of a plan or we would die there. Our only option was to run inland into the jungle but there was no path, only thick, dense undergrowth. We pushed through it with the water rushing around us and eventually clambered up on to a high section of ground."

Well, I am glad he survived!

附 Andaman Islands 资料
属于印度的Andaman islands, 位于东印度洋,离印度大陆1200公里,相比之下更靠近缅甸和泰国, Andaman及Nicobar群岛总共包括572个岛屿和岩礁,从南到北分布在800公里长的区域,从缅甸水域一直延伸到印度尼西亚水域,其中只有36 个岛屿有人居住,这些热带几乎不被外界所知的多丘陵的岛屿上覆盖茂盛的热带雨林和多样化的植物及鸟类,蜿蜒崎岖的沙滩上椰子林随风摇曳。岛屿周围水晶般的清澈海水及珊瑚礁使得Andaman Islands成为最新的潜水天堂。
文章: 307
註冊時間: 週五 4月 04, 2003 7:02 pm
來自: NZ

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