由 企鵝狂 » 週二 8月 23, 2005 12:55 am
As stated in our articles of incorporation, The Linux Mark Institute
("LMI") is an organization established "to protect the public and Linux® users of the world from unauthorized and confusing use of
the Linux mark and to issue proper licenses to authorized users of the Linux mark."
LMI is not designed to generate profits for anyone, which is why Linus Torvalds has given LMI primary sub-license rights for the mark.
LMI不是個賺錢的組織,這也是Torvalds給了LMI sub-license rights
(我猜sub-license的意思是說..LMI可以把 Linux® 的使用權再授與其他人)
We work to protect legitimate uses of the LINUX trademark without burdening Linus Torvalds or any one entity with the financial responsibility of protecting the LINUX community's use of the mark.
我們保障合法的使用LINUX商標,讓Linus Torvalds免於這個負擔
網站有舉例..賣鉛筆拉..T shirt拉..都沒有關係
Linux kernel跟Linux®沒什麼關係
Country profile: Taiwan
Map of Taiwan
Taiwan is the island which has for all practical purposes been independent for half a century, but which China regards as a rebel region that must be reunited with the mainland - by force if necessary.